Open-sourcing traffic mirroring (eBPF package) to the L3AF project
*This post originally published on medium as part of the Walmart Global Tech Blog, written by L3AF community member Karan Dalal. Walmart Global Tech is developing some of the most cutting-edge products in the…
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L3AF v1 – the first major release since open source!
L3AF v 1.0.0 is now available on GitHub - the first major release of l3afd since open source! All eBPF programs in the L3AF package repository should work on Linux (kernel 5.1…
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Introducing L3AF, a Platform to Launch and Manage eBPF Programs – Karan Dalal & Brian Merrell
Introducing Walmart’s L3AF Project: Control plane, chaining eBPF programs, and open-source plans
This is the third blog in a three-part series introducing the L3AF project that provides Kernel Function as a Service using eBPF and related technologies. Though this blog can be…
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